
Anxiety is the body’s natural response to a “threat” whether real or perceived…things like an oncoming car in your lane, running late to an appointment, or having to give a presentation. It triggers the body’s fight/flight/or freeze response that manages how we react to these threats. Symptoms that escalate beyond the normal range of anxiety that could indicate an anxiety disorder include:

Signs of Anxiety

  • Feelings of intense nervousness or being “on edge”
  • Excessive worry about many things or specific things
  • Trouble relaxing
  • Excessive restlessness
  • Easily annoyed or irritable
  • Inability to shut off your thoughts

I use a variety of interventions with clients that include Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT), mindfulness and relaxation, and solution-focused strategies to manage adverse effects of anxiety.

Contact Life Pathways Counseling and Coaching LLC today to schedule a no-risk free evaluation.

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